How To & Tips

Why Is My Pool Green and Cloudy?

16 August, 2024

Clean your pool!

Discover the reasons behind a green and cloudy swimming pool and learn how to restore its crystal-clear beauty. Explore effective solutions, from balancing pH and chlorine levels to optimising filtration and circulation. Maytronics Dolphin robotic pool cleaners offer a hassle-free solution. Dive into this informative blog for expert tips on pool maintenance and care.

Introduction: Discover the Secrets to a Crystal-Clear Pool

Owning a pool is a delightful luxury that brings joy and relaxation to countless homeowners. Picture-perfect moments spent swimming and lounging by the pool epitomise summer bliss.

However, there comes a time when your pool's pristine blue water turns an uninviting shade of green and becomes cloudy. In this blog post, we'll explain why this common problem happens and equip you with the knowledge to tackle it head-on. Get ready to reclaim the clarity and beauty of your backyard oasis!

Understanding the Green Pool Syndrome

Imbalanced pH and Chlorine Levels

Maintaining proper pH and chlorine levels prevents pool water from turning green. Test your pool water regularly and adjust the pH using appropriate chemicals. Maintain a chlorine residual within the recommended range to inhibit algae growth and maintain water clarity. Bring a water sample to your closest Elite Dealer for a pool water test to determine the chemical balance and which chemicals you need to maintain the optimum levels to keep it balanced and healthy.

Algae: The Unwanted Guest

Algae is a common culprit behind green and cloudy pools. To combat this issue, brush and scrub the affected surfaces to dislodge algae growth. Shock your pool with a high dose of chlorine to kill the algae. Follow up with an algaecide to prevent future infestations.

Lack of Circulation and Filtration

Insufficient circulation and filtration can contribute to green and cloudy water. Ensure that your swimming pool's circulation system is working optimally. Regularly clean or backwash your pool filter to eliminate debris and ensure efficient filtration.

Diagnosing Cloudy Water

The best way to diagnose cloudy water is to take a water sample to your closest pool shop or Elite dealer. You will receive valuable information and advice, as well as the appropriate product to balance your pool water and maintain the optimal chemical levels.

A. Suspended Particles and Filtration Challenges

Suspended particles often cause cloudy water. To address this issue and improve filtration efficiency, backwash or clean your filter. Consider using a clarifier or flocculant to help gather the particles together for easier removal by the filter.

B. High Calcium Hardness

High levels of calcium hardness can lead to cloudy water. To rectify this, you may need to partially drain and refill your pool with fresh water to lower the calcium hardness. Regularly monitor and balance the calcium hardness levels to prevent future cloudiness.

C. Insufficient Pool Filtration and Circulation

Inadequate filtration and circulation can impede particle removal, causing cloudy water. Run your pool's filtration system for an appropriate duration each day. Ensure that all skimmers, jets, and inlets are free from obstructions to optimise water circulation and clarity.

The Road to Pool Perfection: Solutions and Preventive Measures

A. Shock and Awe: Superchlorination

Superchlorination, or pool shocking, is a powerful technique for eliminating algae and restoring water clarity. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to determine the appropriate amount of chlorine to add to your pool based on its size. After superchlorinating, monitor the chlorine levels until they stabilise within the recommended range.

B. Algaecide to the Rescue

Algae is a common culprit behind green pool water and using a reliable algaecide can help prevent algae growth and keep your pool water clear. Choose an algaecide compatible with your pool's sanitiser and follow the instructions for application and dosage.

C. Routine Pool Maintenance and Testing

Regularly test your pool water for pH, chlorine levels, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Add the necessary chemicals as recommended by the test results to maintain appropriate chemical balances. Skim and vacuum your pool regularly to remove debris and minimise the risk of cloudiness.

D. Filtration and Circulation Optimisation

Ensure that your pool's filtration system is clean and functioning properly. Clean or backwash your filter regularly and replace worn-out or damaged filter media.

Additionally, optimise water circulation by adjusting the position of your pool's return jets and ensuring proper skimmer function.

E. Balance is Key: pH, Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness

Maintain proper pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels to prevent cloudiness. Use appropriate chemicals to adjust these parameters based on regular water testing results. Proper water balance enhances clarity and helps preserve the integrity of your pool's surfaces and equipment.

The Trusty Expert: Maytronics to the Rescue

Discover the Power of Robotic Pool Cleaners

Investing in a Maytronics Dolphin robotic pool cleaner can revolutionise your pool maintenance routine. These advanced cleaners effectively remove debris and scrub surfaces, ensuring a cleaner, healthier pool with minimal effort.

Maytronics Dolphin Series: Your Pool's Best Friend

Explore the range of Maytronics Dolphin robotic pool cleaners tailored to suit different pool sizes and cleaning requirements. These reliable and efficient devices provide thorough pool cleaning, leaving you with sparkling, crystal-clear water to enjoy.

Mineral Swim: The natural purification from the Dead Sea

The Maytronics Mineral Pool Purification System combines ozone–to–oxygen purification technology and 100% Dead Sea Minerals to create a crystal-clear, therapeutic swimming experience for your backyard pool like no other. Explore our Mineral Swim range to discover how your pool can be transformed into a sanctuary of health and wellness.


Nobody wants to plunge into a pool that resembles a murky swamp. Understanding why your pool turns green and cloudy is the first step towards regaining its crystal-clear allure.

By maintaining proper pool chemistry, optimising filtration and circulation with a Mineral Swim system, and leveraging cutting-edge solutions like Maytronics Dolphin robotic pool cleaners, you'll soon enjoy sparkling, inviting water that beckons you to take a dip. Remember, a little pool care goes a long way in ensuring that your backyard paradise remains a source of endless enjoyment for you and your loved ones.

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