• Wave 90i
  • Wave90i top view
  • WAVE90i side top
  • Wave90i Caddy
  • Dolphin Wave 90i climbing wall
  • Wave 90i under water
  • Wave90i pick-up
  • 360° View

Wave 90i

Dolphin Wave 90i


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CleverClean™ Coverage - Precise Navigation System

Advanced scanning software and navigation system ensure floors are fully covered using the most efficient route. The robotic pool cleaner automatically navigates around obstacles and quickly returns to its cleaning pattern.

Swivel Cable Tangle Prevention System

Dolphin’s patented swivel cable helps to eliminate tangled cables! As your Dolphin moves around the pool, the swivel ensures that the cable stays free and clear, allowing for complete pool coverage.

Superior Cleaning Power

Independent filtration and dual-active brushing effectively eliminate dirt and debris, scrubbing floors and walls to ensure surfaces remain spotless and water stays crystal clear.

Plug-and-Play Operation

Fully automated, plug-and-play operation with customisable settings to suit any pool, ensuring effortless use and efficient pool maintenance.

Always Connected

Control and communicate with your Dolphin robotic pool cleaner using your home Wi-Fi. Register it on-line and control it remotely using the MyDolphin Plus App on your smart device. Always Connected means you always have control of your Dolphin in your hand at any time from anywhere, with real-time connectivity.

MyDolphin Plus app

Control your Dolphin robotic pool cleaner through the MyDolphin app on your smartphone or tablet. It is packed with easy-to-use functions! Schedule cleaning cycles and navigate your Dolphin to hard-to-reach areas for total coverage. Make your pool perfect from anywhere at any time.

Cycle Selector

Customise your cleaning cycle by selecting to clean the floor only or floor and walls.

Evolutionary Always Connected Wave 90i

Introducing the Maytronics Dolphin WAVE 90i, a powerful, app-operated commercial robotic pool cleaner. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, the WAVE 90i offers superior cleaning performance for mid-size commercial pools of all shapes and types. With the MyDolphin™ Plus app, you can control your pool cleaning from anywhere, anytime, ensuring ultimate convenience and ease.

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Dolphin W20


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Global Leaders in Robotic Pool Cleaners!

Spasa Climate Care CertifiedISO 14001:2015

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